About Pay It Forward
It started off as a way for Circle Of White Light Radio to help others like local community groups, suicide charities, homeless charities and animal rescue centres. A percentage of the donations that came in to Circle Of White Light Radio were allocated to the Pay It Forward appeal each month. The group or charity etc would receive a cheque and for transparency, a photo was taken of the person who received the cheque. This was started in December 2019 and carried on until October 2023. Although a small amount of donations came in, it was the support of a major contributor that made Pay It Forward possible. This monthly donation was the main source for funding Pay It Forward. Unfortunately with the economy the way it is, even this funding had to stop.
Over the time we could make donations, Circle Of White Light Radio donated over €17,000 Euros to worthy causes. So a big thank you to everyone who did donate and still donates now. Although we cannot allocate donations on a monthly basis as the funding is not there, we are happy to donate when we have sufficient funds to do so.
Here are a few photos of the groups/charities/animal rescue centres that we have donated to and will continue, if funds are available. If you would like to make a donation, please click the Paypal link below:-